rep range for endurance

My point in using this silly hypothetical scenario is to show that these three goal-related rep ranges are on a continuum. Slow twitch fibers have a high capacity for endurance and have the least potential for hyperthrophy. If you are doing lots of endurance work in your sport specific training, focus on strength to supplement that. This is a fundamental aspect of long-term strength development and ensures a lifter can handle the extreme demands a serious strength-focused program (increasing maximal strength) can have on a system. I have had a lot of injuries (lower back, shoulders, calves, transversus abdominis) playing Badminton. Focusing on muscle endurance means choosing fairly light weights that can be done for 15-20 reps or more. What are reps and sets? Again, recovery time is key. Whatever direction your move into, also means you are moving away from the other direction. Moderate Rep Range (6-12) The moderate range stays between 6 and 12 repetitions. But what you should definitely focus on are these posts:, That’s why marathon runners, do not look like body builders, and both do not look like a gymnast. It depends on your overall muscle composition and on your goals among many other factors. 2. If you want to be both a powerlifter and a marathon runner, you will need to find a balance between low repetitions and strength or high repetitions and endurance. This post explains all you need to know about reps, sets, rep ranges and rest between sets, so that you can improve your training results. For example, if you go from doing 6 reps for the first set to doing 2 or 3 reps for second set, then you probably need more rest between sets. Bodybuilders and strength/power athletes would aim for 8-12 reps of 65-75% 1RM. HYPERTROPHY: Use 50-75% of your one-repetition maximum (1RM) for 3-6 sets of 8-20 repetitions. Bit of both or one or the other? 1 Some people have more slow twitch fibers than others and the same goes for fast twitch fibers. Lighter movements such as cables, dumbbells and bodyweight work best in the 10-20 rep range. The best way to gauge rest time is to begin a new set as soon as you feel recovered to the point where you can physically put enough energy into to productively execute the next set. They can also contract very fast and are the primary fiber developed in power and strength fields like powerlifting. We have a lot of evidence from people actually doing and experimenting themselves. This is a good approach and can work well for a lot of people. Conventional wisdom led us to believe that low-rep ranges (1-5) build strength, moderate-rep ranges (6-12) were best for hypertrophy or size, and high-rep ranges (more than 12) develop muscular endurance. On the days i play badminton (alternate days), it’s a very intense cardio workout and i’m too tired for anything else. If you want to increase endurance you should stick to rep range higher than 12, in a progression that requires around 60% or less of your strength in 1 rep. For hyperthrophy you will need to stick between a 5-12 rep range in which you will also have strength gains and endurance gains, this will usually be at around 70-80% of yo… What do you want to achieve? Do most of your workout in this rep range to attain muscle hypertrophy. It all starts with the engine right? The number of reps and sets in your workouts should take intensity, volume and frequency into consideration. If you were to perform a single motion of the bench press (i.e. The best rep ranges will vary depending if your goal is increasing strength, muscle building (hypertrophy) or building muscular endurance. Hi is it OK that I’m doing full body program, in circle? By that, I mean moving weight for 12 reps when they could have done 20. what rep speed. It honestly depends on you goals and how your body responds to different impulses. The goal of this phase is to increase lean body mass and/or develop muscular endurance. A power lifter for example lifts 3 times his or her own body weight in 1 rep. A marathon runner is far from able to do this, but can run for hours at an end without serious fatigue. Heavy sets of 3 reps will focus on building strength, but it will also build some muscle, and endurance to a much lesser extent. These reps are the amount of reps in a single set. Rep ranges can be varied for different cycles such as heavy, moderate or light resistance exercise protocols. 3. A lot of suggested workouts always seem to be in supersets but when incorporating moves such as handstand push ups in my workouts I need to be as fresh as possible and straight sets with designated rest is better but then dips, push ups etc can be supersetted to good effect? Your email address will not be published. So how many sets should I do for strength, hypertrophy and endurance? It really depends on a lot of factors, giving a precise answer would be beyond the scope of this website. lowering it to your chest, then pressing it back up), that would be one rep. This makes sense, because there's an inverse relationship between reps and load: If you do more reps, you'll have to use less weight. If your focus is on muscle mass (hyperthrophy) don’t be a powerlifter and don’t be a marathon runner. In general, the majority of your workouts for muscle gain should be in the 8-12 rep range. Definitely, but when you work on strength you need to pay attention to your rep range and take more rest between exercises. Via Wikipedia comes the Strength/ Power/ Hypertrophy/ Endurance table of Mell Siff’s Supertraining. In general the characteristics of your exercise determine your overall amount eventually. Your email address will not be published. Sometimes doing less reps at a high resistance of a certain move can really take you to the next level. If you want to develop bigger glute muscles or show some cuts in your back, then you need muscular hypertrophy. So start experimenting with your rep ranges. My name is Alex, and I'm the owner and author of King of the Gym. Hey there! It’s important, and plays a fundamental role in physical adaption and performance enhancement but, specificity comes first How To Prevent And Cure Shoulder Injuries, Flexibility Workout Routine With 4 Crucial Exercises. Strength is achieved through low amounts of repetitions where 1 repetition max shows your current highest level of strength. 5. December 2019. Ideal Rep Range for Hypertrophy, Strength, & Endurance. By having a clear understanding of what they are, you will attain far greater results with your workout sessions. The research on this is still lashing out in the dark, mostly. I’m a huge fan of your blog! Learn how to do that , Your email address will not be published. You can and should utilize all the different rep ranges to your advantage. The problem with programs that focus on increasing your 1 Rep Max is: Should you need to be able to exert that strength for any time frame beyond what one rep might take, or have to make due with less … Conversely, you can build absolute muscular endurance (how many times you can move a set load, regardless of your 1rm) with low rep and moderate rep training, but you can build a lot more with high rep training, and high rep training is generally the only way to improve relative muscular endurance (how many times you can lift a certain percentage of your 1rm). This rep range … The truth is repetitions and the amount of sets required differ per person. A marathon runner might both be genetically more of a slow twitch guy, but he also needs to simulate his slow twitch muscles. If you want to develop strength you need to focus on lower reps and higher resistance, just like a powerlifter does. Although there is a bit of overlap between these 3 rep ranges. The army want to … Thanks! Kabuki Strength Power Bar Review: New Generation Power Bar, Force USA Monster G12 Review: All-In-One Gym, Force USA Monster G9 Review: All-in-One Gym, Force USA Monster G6 Review: All-in-One Home Gym. While that's partly true, the problem is in the application of the idea. I discuss rest between sets in detail, later. I wish I could tell you: “Just do an X amount of repetitions and you will achieve your goals”. And while sets of 20 reps will focus on building endurance, it will also build some muscle, and strength to a much lesser extent. I just want to understand the kind of workout I need to do in order to be able to meet these demands consistently. It is very hard for me to give you exact numbers and details from an online medium. Here is what you need to know when it comes to repetitions. Train like an endurance athlete: Most endurance sports aren't gym-based, so it's hard to duplicate their motions with weights. Training With 20, 40, 60 or 80% of 1RM One elegantly designed study had the participants train bicep curl and leg press with 20, 40, 60 or 80% of their 1RM for 12 weeks. 4. That’s a big point. Honestly, I wish there was an easy way to explain it. It’s effective for speed and endurance and has lots of performance benefits, the military use this method and so do bodybuilders, both for very different reasons. if yes. But they are definitely important for your overall results (See diagram below). Where an explosive activation of the muscles is required. If you’re more of an endurance athlete, focus on 15-20 reps at 50-60% 1RM. So how does this all relate to actual repetitions? If you buy through a link on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. So it’s not slow twitch or fast twitch, it’s not black or white, it’s both, but it larger or smaller amounts, depending on what you do with your body. Variation? If you want to increase endurance you should stick to rep range higher than 12, in a progression that requires around 60% or less of your strength in 1 rep. For hyperthrophy you will need to stick between a 5-12 rep range in which you will also have strength gains and endurance gains, this will usually be at around 70-80% of your maximum strength in 1 rep. In contrast, 1-3 reps trains for strength, 3-5 … I’m a professonal badminton player, and the sport requires a lot of explosive lunging movements along with bending forward, sideways and backwards running, maintaining body balance, a lot of high jumping (in order to smash), backward extension of the back (in order to hit an overhead shot), a lot of wrist strength (to flick the shuttle), diving on the court and getting back up quickly and also a TON of endurance and explosive short bursts of energy. Endurance vs. strength. Knowing what repetition range you should stick to can be essential for getting the results you want. Slot other forms of cardio or HIIT on the days when you’re not hitting weights. Working in the 3-5 rep range with 75 to 80 % of maximum with an effort on explosiveness will help the athlete to up their power. I started this website back in late 2009 during college, and it has been my pet project ever since. Especially if all other factors such as dieting and resting and your overall hormones are in check. I’m training for strength improvement. If you want to get bigger, the MAJORITY of your training should take place within the 6-15 rep range. Great question, focus on weaklinks. to simply say that the stated amount of repetitions will determine EVERYTHING. Is this good for calisthenics? Other times doing more reps at a lower resistance does the same. Training for muscle endurance holds numerous benefits including improved athletic performance, general health, and even recovery. In other words, you are training for muscle size. For strength only 4 to 5, hypertrophy 2 to 3 , hypertrophy / strength – 3 to 4, You need to implement rest periods that will cause both sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myofibrillar muscle hypertrophy. However, in order to get the best results over the long run, you need to periodically shift your focus (this is the basis for periodization). Endurance is achieved through choosing easier exercises which are low in strength requirements and high in volume. Could you help me out? You should be working between 50 and 60% of your 1RM (1 rep maximum) Main objective is muscular endurance Used in circuit’s style training leading to increased heart rate and weight loss/toning. Consider the difference between a … That is, they overlap. I didn’t think transitioning from weights to bodyweight would be so complicated haha. The lesson in all of this? Home > Blog > Training > A Guide to Reps and Sets, Rep Ranges & Rest Between Sets. Strength endurance is the ability to produce and sustain muscle force over an extended period of time. So how does this all relate to actual repetitions? Hypertrophy is the technical term for an increase in muscle size (and definition). Your body is composed of three sets of muscle fibers: Slow twitch, adaptable and fast twitch fibers. Probably not. I do understand that every body is different and I will need to find what works best for me over time but eager to hear your opinion. It depends on your goals ;). Mass should always be a result of or achieved in combination with instead of the reason for. Bar Brothers Groningen For Calisthenics Workout. But on the days i’m not playing, what should i focus on? Some muscle groups have more than others and will respond to a certain type of training better than others. If you forgo maintenance training, then you simply do no sets with hypertrophy and endurance rep ranges. Feb 22, 2020 - Researches shows that a rep range of 6-12 is optimal for muscle hypertrophy. I’m presenting you guys with a oversimplication, but sometimes that’s exactly what you need. Anyone that is learning how to lift weights will come across these two terms quite frequently. Heavier barbell movements in the 5-10 rep range stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers. There are therefore 5 points which you can take away from this comparison: 1. When training for muscular endurance you want to be in the 12-20 rep range, so 15 is a perfectly reasonable rep count. It depends largely on what type of training you’re doing? Not that simple: Hypertrophy - loads must be greater than 65% of 1 rep max ; rep ranges are 6–12; rest is 90 secs to 2 minutes Strength - maximal loads IE 20lbs more than where you lifted in hypertrophy. You might do multiple sets of a certain type of rep range. Essentially, the rep range tells you exactly what needs to be done. Finally endurance training should focus on 15 reps of a maximum of 3 sets. You can’t be a marathon runner and a powerlifter at the same time without losing at either the strength or endurance side. If you want to increase strength you should stick to a 1-5 rep range in a progression that requires at least 80-100% of your maximum strength in 1 rep. One focuses on being able to generate as much power as possible in one move, while the other focuses on generating low amounts of power to do many moves. I know i’ve given a lot of info but this is the most concise way to describe the demands of Professional Badminton. You should focus on one rep range at a time. This example does not mean that you are either slow of fast twitch, you need both fibers and you have both. But you can find tons of information on this online. The best rep range for muscular endurance is 12-15 reps per set; 2) Muscular Hypertrophy: Muscular hypertrophy is the process of growing and developing lean muscle tissue. Recommended Rep Ranges to Achieve Specific Goals. Appropriate Training Percentages: 20-70% 1RM; Best Set & Rep Scheme: 3 x 20; Reasoning: A set and rep scheme of 3 sets of 20 reps allows the lifter to work for extended periods of time, thereby improving muscular endurance. If your primary goal is improving muscle endurance, then you should mostly train in the higher rep ranges (between 12-20 reps per set) and therefore at a … The recommended rep range for muscular endurance is 12 to 15 reps. Your repetitions under a certain load determine your muscle composition or what your muscles are capable of. In this article, the difference’s between the principle rep ranges are explained. What would you recommend out of Straight sets vs Supersets? It’s a losing game ;). Simple training protocols will enhance your ability to recruit more muscle tissue over time. Thankfully, I don’t have to make this choice. Learn more. The amount of rest between sets depends on the intensity (e.g. They can do both strength and endurance and will be used for whatever they are required. I just started calisthenics and I want to know how many reps I should do for let’s say the pullup or dip to practice calisthenics skills. Read more, 3 Different Rep Ranges for Strength, Hypertrophy & Endurance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. .. Reps (short for repetitions) refer to the number of times you perform a particular weight lifting exercise. The way some people would approach training would be to cycle the rep ranges they work in, eg; Mesocycle 1 - Weeks 1-4 - All lifts in the 5-8 rep range Mesocycle 2 – Weeks 5-8 – All lifts in the 10-12 rep range Mesocycle 3 - Weeks 9-12 – All lifts in the 15-20 rep range. Because that’s exactly what’s at stake if you are just doing endurance while your goal is to gain strength. I like to do the maximum reps I can do on each excercise (pullup, dip, pushup, leg raise etc). And if you want to master calisthenics, put those reps to the test. The proven rep range for increasing strength is one to six reps. 2. This can mirror traditional periodization plans if one seeks that route. If you were to do that same motion 5 times in a row, that would be 5 reps. Sets refer to a sequential collection of a predetermined number of reps. Still, there are generally accepted ranges of repetitions which you can stick to. However, they train in this range with not much intensity. You’ve really inspired me to pick up calisthenics as my workout choice. The Real Reason 6-12 Reps is Best Even though these studies found that rep range does not have a huge impact on mass, there’s still one big reason you should focus on 6-12 reps if your main goal is to build size. You may need a little more or less on some exercises and sets. Variable Training goal Strength Power Hypertrophy Endurance Load (% of 1RM) 80-90 45-55 60-80 40-60 Reps per set 1-5 1-5 6-12 15-60 Sets per exercise 4-7 3-5 4-8 2-4 Rest between sets (mins) 2-6 2-6 2-5 1-2 Duration (seconds per set) 5-10 […] This means your body will simply react better to certain respones or types of training than other bodies. Note: I personally believe that muscle mass should never be your main objective. My goal is to help you learn proper weight training and nutrition principles so that you can get strong and build the physique of your dreams! They all lead to improved strength, power, and endurance, all other factors being equal. Your email address will not be published. The areas that are force multipliers, imagine a car, to make the care better as a whole, what are the parts you need to focus on? So if we do 5 reps in a row, stop for a couple minutes, then do another five reps, that is 2 sets of 5 reps. Strength, Power, and Muscle Endurance. Strength training entails lifting heavy loads for low reps. That said, the below guidelines can generally be used for athletes who have spen… Or both strength and endurance? If you want to increase strength you should stick to a 1-5 rep range in a progression that requires at least 80-100% of your maximum strength in 1 rep. heaviness, or difficulty) and number of reps you complete in a given set. Ever seen a muscular marathon runner? What they are in need of is strength-endurance. What I mean with this statement is that the rep range of 5 repetitions for example will mostly build muscular strength. This rep range is basically a mixture of the low range and high range. This belief primarily originates from the traditional rep range continuum. These are all taken care of when using repetition ranges. This is the rep range that the majority of trainees use. Endurance athletes need to be as aerobically efficient as possible, so performing strength-training exercises with light weights for a high number of reps will help muscles develop the mitochondrial density and aerobic efficiency necessary to support endurance-training efforts. Whether your interest is in bodybuilding, powerlifting, physical conditioning or a combination of all three, your weight lifting routine will require you to perform the proper reps and sets based on your needs and goals. The intensity of the lift should be somewhere between 65% to 85% of your 1 rep max. This will give you a better understanding of how big the difference in results are between low and high rep training. can I build strength,endurance and size at the same time. Set clear goals for what you want to achieve. It really depends on the different exercises, for now sticking to the given rep scheme and focusing on good quality execution will already be very beneficial as you start. then how it can be possible. And adaptable fibers are somewhere in between. People targeting muscular endurance will aim for a range from 12 to 20+ reps. Obviously you won’t be able to lift heavy amounts of weight for 20+ reps, so you’ll be lifting lighter loads. Books have been written about it ;). How long should you rest between sets? Simply having them in a higher quantity, doesn’t mean that he will actually be better at running a marathon than a powerlifter with mostly fast twitch cells who has been training day in day out. If you were to include the maintenance training option, then you’d also add a small number of sets with a hypertrophy rep range (~8-15) and an endurance rep range (~15-20+) to your workouts. Required fields are marked *. And if you want to gain endurance, the MAJORITY of your training should take place within the 15+ rep range. Heavy could be rep ranges of 2-6 or 4-8, moderate might be 6-10 or 8-12, and light could be 10-14 or 12-16 reps. Rep ranges are objective. Workout Routine with 4 Crucial exercises overall amount eventually 12 repetitions only to the test no with. Lashing out in the 12-20 rep range stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers: slow twitch you! 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