draw the structure of a leaf and label the parts

Chloroplasts are abundantly present. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. The spongy cells are compara­tively much smaller and more or less isodiametric in shape. Next to this band occur a few layers of isodiametric parenchyma—spongy cells, with scanty chloroplasts. Stomata occur on the upper side. The rest of ground tissues is made of isodiametric parenchyma cells with distinct intercellular spaces. axil - the angle between the upper side of the stem and a leaf or petiole. The leaf of oleander (Nerium oleander of family Apocynaceae) shows some distinct departures so far as the arrangement of tissues is concerned, from the ones described previously, exhibiting clear xerophytic adaptations. The differentiation of tissues into epider­mal, ground and vascular is clear. Take a good look at the diagram and the various parts of the leaf structure… Each bun­dle remains surrounded by parenchymatous bundle sheath. A section through the leaf of bamboo (Bambusa spp. Complete the table by matching the parts of a leaf with its adaptation. c) Label the name of the structure through which these gases pass. Share Your PDF File - 331985 Plant Cell Structure and Parts Explained With a Labeled Diagram. Leaves that do not have a petiole and are directly attached to the plant stem are called sessile leaves. These leaves are acicular in shape and are more or less rounded in cross-section. A transverse section through the leaf of Banyan (Ficus benghalensis of family Moraceae) would reveal the anatomical characters (Fig. The ribosomes’ structure is the same in all cells but smaller in prokaryotic cells. A band of collenchyma, intercepted by chlorenchyma here and there, occurs next to epidermis forming the hypodermis. Thus they do not possess two epidermal layers. These cells markedly differ from the mesophyll. Stroma is the place which contains the enzymes for the dark reaction part of photosynthesis (Calvin cycle). Moreover, the veins of a leaf allow the flowing of nutrients plus water. Collectively, green leaves are called foliage. They are quite loosely arranged with conspicuous intercellular spaces. Stomata, guard cells, epidermal cells, mesophyll cells, and vascular bundles (xylem, phloem, veins) are the internal parts of a leaf. Draw and label the parts of a T.S. Majority of the bundles are small, but fairly large bundles occur at regular intervals. What are the external parts of a plant leaf? Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge (c) In certain group of plants, stomata remains closed during day. Here stomata occur on both the epidermal layers, though they are more abundant on the abaxial side. They are collateral and closed ones with xylem and phloem. Describes the structure and function of leaves. Individual bundles are bicollateral ones. Generally, ribosomes in eukaryotic cells are large and they can only be measured in Svedberg units (S). These are present at regular intervals. The petiole may continue into the midrib which bears branches and sub-branches ultimately rami­fying in the leaf lamina in both reticulate and parallel type of venation. All rights reserved. Among the epidermal cells are pairs of sausage-shaped guard cells. - 331985 A transverse section would reveal the following structure (Fig. These leaves are common in the monocotyledons. 4. They may, however, be regarded as water-storage tissues which do not possess chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are abundantly pre­sent, usually along the radial walls of the cells. Find all of the structures illustrated above and label … They are often differentiated into three layers—adaxial, abaxial and middle layers. Ans. lamina - the blade of a leaf. The rest of the ground tissue is made of thin-walled parenchyma with pretty large number of air chambers. Xylem, as usual, consists of tracheary elements, and phloem of sieve tubes and companion cells. The spongy cells lo­cated between the two palisade layers are isodiametric, much smaller in size and much loosely arranged with profuse intercellu­lar spaces. The bundles are as usual collateral and closed ones, with xylem lying on the upper and phloem on the lower sides. Upper epidermis may be easily identified due to presence of large and empty bulliform cells. 622A): The epidermis is uniseriate made of compactly-arranged tabular cells with cuti­cularised outer walls. Some leaves are attached to the plant stem by a petiole. It stops soon, and further expansion giving the leaf proper form is due to rapid enlargement by intercalary growth. Moreover, there is deposition of waxy matters which prevents wetting and clogging of the stomata. Saffron and Achyranthus plants have sessile leaves. The vascular tissue system is composed of vascular bundles which are usually collateral and closed. Collenchyma cells occur next forming hypodermis. The lower one bears stomata and remain covered with strong cuticle. A leaf is a plant organ that is flat, thin and usually green in color. A number of vascular bundles occur in the form of a band; some bundles are small and some of them are quite large. Considerable deposition of silicon is a distinctive character. Leaf base has two small leaf-like structure called stipules. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! Also name them. Under favorable conditions of growth, a seed gives rise to a new plant, using the nutrients stored in them. At the early stage of the development of the blade two strips of meristems, referred to as marginal meristem, occur along the two surfaces of the leaf axis. It is the lowermost part of a leaf, which is closest to the petiole. Many people often call it a stem, which is incorrect. A section through the leaf of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa of family Amaryllidaceae), would show the following anatomical structure (Fig. On the adaxial side palisade cells occur in three or more layers forming a compact zone of columnar cells with little intercellular spaces. Two or three layers of columnar cells with abundant chloroplasts remain arranged more or less at right angles to the upper epidermis. Explain what is meant by osmosis. Leaf base 2. The lamina possesses a network of veins. Can you label the different parts on this cross section diagram of a leaf? The presence of pigment ‘chlorophyll’ makes the leaf green in color that helps to prepare food in plants through photosynthesis. But the bundles entering the leaf occupy such a position that xylem occurs on the upper side and phloem on the lower. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? midrib - the central rib of a leaf - it is usually continuous with the petiole. The structure of a leaf is described below in detail : Parts of a Leaf. Leaves originate from the promeristem of the shoot apex. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. External Parts of a Leaf. It is an effective mechanism for reducing transpiration. (iv) Name the process by which the gases move in or out of the leaf. Also called the leaf stalk, the petiole is actually an extension of the leaf in certain plants. A collective single part drawing is a common chart used in mechanical engineering. The chloroplast structure consists of the following parts: Membrane Envelope. A transverse section would show the following structure (Fig. The bundles are collateral and closed ones with xylem on the upper and phloem on the lower sides. These subepidermal layers may be called special hypodermis. (a) (i) Water enters the roots of plants by osmosis. Whether they belong to epidermis or to the ground tissues from ontogenetic point of view can be determined by developmental studies. of family Graminaceae) would reveal the following internal structure (Fig. It comprises inner and outer lipid bilayer membranes. A section through a succulent leaf with halophytic adaptations reveals the following structure (Fig. stem - (also called the axis) the main support of the plant. Some leaves are attached to the plant stem by a petiole. Leaves are very important vegetative organs, as they are chiefly concerned with the physiological process, photosynthesis and transpiration. Lithocysts are frequently present and well-developed calcium carbonate crystals, the cystoliths, occur here and there. Petiole, leaf base, lamina, leaf apex, and leaf margin are the external parts of a leaf. Why are leaves green? Chloroplasts are abundantly present, which particularly occur along the radial walls of the cells. : petiole - a leaf stalk; it attaches the leaf to the plant. Leaf Structure: A leaf is made of many layers that are sandwiched between two layers of tough skin cells (called the epidermis). (iii) Name two gases that enter or leave the leaf. draw the structure of a leaf and label the following parts phloem, xylem, cuticle, upper leaf cells, lower leaf cells, stomata, vein, chloroplasts, surface cells transpiration The bundles remain surrounded by a row of parenchyma cells devoid of chloroplasts, which forms the bundle sheath. stem - (also called the axis) the main support of the plant. It exhibits the following internal structure (Fig. A transverse section would show the same plan of arrangement of tissues: It is uniseriate with tabular cells and a large number of epidermal outgrowths. For example, “One structure of a leaf is the… It helps the leaf…” I use the fair sticks to determine the order of the students. The spongy cells occur towards the lower epidermis. These are long columnar cells rather tightly arranged with scanty intercellular spaces. Printout Read the definitions then label the cross section of the leaf. What is succus entericus? Article was last reviewed on Friday, July 3, 2020, Your email address will not be published. Stellate cells were present in the regions of the cavities in young condition which ultimately have disintegrated. A leaf is adapted to absorb light in photosynthesis. During the development of the blade the basal part of the protrusion remains unexpanded which ultimately forms a meristem that gives rise to the petiole. Epidermal tissue system consists of the epidermal layers occurring on the adaxial (upper) and abaxial (lower) sides. One with undifferentiated mesophyll, as commonly found in the monocotyledons, is known as an isobilateral leaf. The bundles are of two types, viz., large and small ones. It is composed of compactly-arranged cells, without showing any differentiation into palisade and spongy cells. It contains … 613). It is assumed that this layer serves as a temporary storage tissue, apart from-conducting the products of photosynthesis to the phloem. The arrangement of tissues in the petiole more or less resembles that of the stem. leaf apex - the outer end of a leaf; the end that is opposite the petiole. Q.3. A good number of bundles of different sizes occur in the form of an arc. Stiff sharply pointed hairs are also present. They remain arranged in parallel series. Leaf Structure and Function. Epidermal outgrowths are present. (a) Draw the diagram of cross section of a leaf and label the following parts (i) chloroplast (ii) cuticle (b) A gas is released during photosynthesis. They develop as protrusions from the shoot apex and are organs of limited growth. Q.2. Leaf Cross Section Diagram Label Me! Trichosclereids of peculiar shapes, often with deposition of calcium oxalate crystals are abundantly present. Generally, leaf base, petiole, and lamina, together form the main parts of a leaf. It is used to draw out and label parts of a product that will be made. They are located in the mesophyll. These are composed of files of initials known as marginal initials. It contains chlorophyll which assists the plants in preparation for food. Some distinct cavities are present here and there. Q.3. They actually form something like a green belt. The number of chlo­roplasts is naturally much smaller here in comparison to palisade cells. The central part of the leaf is made of well-developed water-storage tissue, consisting of large parenchymatous cells with conspicuous vacuoles and intercellular spaces. Parenchyma and often collenchyma cells are present on the outer and inner sides of the bundle which may reach up to the two epidermal layers. It as usual forms the main bulk of the leaf, and is composed of iso­diametric cells with intercellular spaces. 624). As usual they are composed of xylem and phloem, and remain surrounded by parenchymatous bundle sheath. 15. Chloroplast consists of two layers an outer membrane and an inner membrane enclosing the inner membrane space. leaf apex - the outer end of a leaf; the end that is opposite the petiole. They are composed of closely-set cells. A collective single part drawing is a common chart used in mechanical engineering. Draw the diagram of cross section of a leaf and label the chloroplast and cuticle. - 4155823 The mesophyll does not show differentiation into palisade and spongy cells, but is made of rather compactly-arranged isodiametric cells. As an aquatic plant it has extremely reduced vascular and supporting tissues and well-formed air chambers. The spongy cells present towards lower epidermis and irregular in outline. Generally, leaf base, petiole, and lamina, together form the main parts of a leaf. It is often differentiated into columnar palisade parenchyma on the adaxial side and irregular or isodiametric spongy parenchyma on this differentiation in mesophyll is referred to as dorsi­ventral, what is very common in dicotyledons. Click Create Assignment to assign this modality to your LMS. The stomata close in the night to retain gases and moisture in the leaf cells and opens during the day for gaseous exchange to continue. The ground tissue system, as already reported in a preceding chapter, is known as mesophyll tissue. 3. Structure of a Succulent Leaf: A section through a succulent leaf with halophytic adaptations reveals the following structure (Fig. Ans. It is differentiated into palisade and spongy cells. Leaves that are attached directly to the stem without the petioles are called sessile leaves. Stomata, guard cells, epidermal cells, mesophyll cells, and vascular bundles (xylem, phloem, veins) are the internal parts of a leaf. © 2020 (Science Facts). They are mostly present in the leaf epidermis, stem pith, root and fruit pulp. Below is a close diagram of the leaf structure: The basic structure of a leaf. 2008 OL. Ans. 3. The size of the bundle depends on the position one chooses to take in making a section. These cells consti­tute what is known as bundle sheath extension. It is used to draw out and label parts of a product that will be made. Palisade cells occur towards upper epidermis in two or three layers. Take a good look at the diagram and the various parts of the leaf structure… The number of chloroplasts is naturally much smaller here, which explains the pale green colour of the lower surface of the leaf. Parts of a Leaf: A typical leaf of Ficus religiosa (pipal) has a broad thin, flat structure called the lamina. (b) (i) Draw a diagram of a section through a leaf. Slightly-depressed stomata are present. Each bundle has Xylem on the upper and phloem on the lower side. Stomata are present on both the epidermal layers. Leaf Base: This is the part where a leaf attaches to the stem. b) Draw how O 2 gets out of the leaf. Answers: Leaf Structure and Function: Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on leaves, with a short text, a cross section of a leaf to label, and questions to answer. The xylem is made of tracheary elements, and the phloem of sieve tubes and companion cells. MEMORY METER. The spongy cells occurring towards lower epidermis are isodiametric, and often irregular in shape, and have profuse intercellular spaces. The meristematic cells occurring at the tip of the primordium constitutes the apical meristem of the leaf. Label the structures discussed above. 622A): The epidermis is uniseriate made of compactly-arranged tabular cells with cuti­cularised outer walls. In this article, we propose to discuss about the internal structure of leaf. The outer walls of the cells forming outermost layers are very strongly cuticula­rised. The rest of the ground tissue is composed of thin-walled parenchyma with distinct intercellular spaces. It is safe to say that a leaf is one of the most important parts of a plant. The outer layer of upper multiple epidermis and the lower epidermis as a whole are made of compactly-arranged tabular cells with cutinised outer walls having cuticle. A few common isobilateral leaves have been selected for the study of internal structures. But smaller in prokaryotic cells is absent ; all the cells are living, often... A big cavity is present in the monocotyledons, is known as vein islets or they may just extend the. 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